Už zajtra, utorok 12. apríla 2016, bude predstavený nový smartfón z dielne HTC, očakávaný model HTC 10. Čo všetko zatiaľ o ňom vieme?
Podľa doterajších informácií, ktoré, samozrejme, zatiaľ nie sú oficiálne potvrdené, by nový smartfón HTC 10 mal mať 5,15” QHD displej, procesor Snapdragon 820, grafiku Adreno 530, RAM veľkosti 4 GB a 12 Mpx hlavný fotoaparát.
Chýbať by nemal ani USB Type-C konektor. Úplnou novinkou by mala byť optická stabilizácia v prednom selfie fotoaparáte.
Objavilo sa aj niekoľko fotografií, ako by mal HTC 10 vyzerať.
Just in *case* you want more… #HTC #HTC10 (Thx @Miha2e) pic.twitter.com/7Mpw9SIDdI
— Steve Hemmerstoffer (@stagueve) March 28, 2016
Nový smartfón by mal ponúknuť aj doposiaľ najkvalitnejšiu reprodukciu hudby pomocou technológie BoomSound.
Not all music is created equal. Hi-res audio so every note is crystal clear. You’ll hear it. 4/12 #powerof10https://t.co/uSFPDg4t6o
— HTC (@htc) April 4, 2016
Podľa jedného z najnovších tweetov sa samotné HTC chváli silnou batériou (údajne 3 000 mAh) s dlhou výdržou v novom v HTC 10. Čo všetko z toho sa potvrdí uvidíme už zajtra. Zatiaľ sa pozrite, ako bol postupne nový smartfón odhaľovaný.
#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/KiKyX4ycuI
— HTC (@htc) February 24, 2016
We’re obsessed… in a good way. #powerof10https://t.co/PXDCTg50Cm
— HTC (@htc) March 2, 2016
World First, World Class, Front and Back. You’ll see. #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/qN9HN6OP5i
— HTC (@htc) March 15, 2016
Here comes the new boom. You’ll hear it. #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/Ln3XxWZ9BO
— HTC (@htc) March 23, 2016
Not all phones are created equal. The fastest and smoothest Android. You’ll feel it. #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/1F42fJB7Lz
— HTC (@htc) March 29, 2016
Why is @breakbadventist on #TeamHTC? He explains.#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/atXr9esrXA
— HTC (@htc) April 2, 2016
Not all music is created equal. Hi-res audio so every note is crystal clear. You’ll hear it. 4/12 #powerof10https://t.co/uSFPDg4t6o
— HTC (@htc) April 4, 2016
.@Griffith94 is on #TeamHTC. Here's why.#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/qi7DrV3T9h
— HTC (@htc) April 4, 2016
Why #TeamHTC? Joey L. shares his reasons.#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/PC5uAP3OgZ
— HTC (@htc) April 5, 2016
We’re obsessed with perfecting every image and video experience. You’ll see it. 4/12. #powerof10https://t.co/P2fWmNHatX
— HTC (@htc) April 6, 2016
Style, build and BoomSound. @HumanRacehorses explains why he's part of #TeamHTC.#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/H5aEMnDfAf
— HTC (@htc) April 6, 2016
Quality, openness, durability and style. @coggy9 explains why he's on #TeamHTC.#powerof10 pic.twitter.com/qBaQQFLl2g
— HTC (@htc) April 7, 2016
Our engineers are so obsessed w/ battery life we’ve turned it into a science. You’ll feel it. 4/12. #powerof10https://t.co/nsNtGYKXA6
— HTC (@htc) April 8, 2016
Build quality and design is important to @jisampedro and that's why he's on #TeamHTC. #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/AVYfU5AqWi
— HTC (@htc) April 9, 2016
.@pauladams71 is on #TeamHTC. Here's why. #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/w9QyJ7dTuZ
— HTC (@htc) April 9, 2016
Fun, easy and fast? Check. #TeamHTC #powerof10 pic.twitter.com/2cAaWDiS2E
— HTC (@htc) April 10, 2016